Neighborhood Association

- December 2022 -

Apollo is 12-1/2 years old and has been living in the Bellevue-Hale neighborhood since 2010.
Apollo came to us as a rescue who survived Parvo!
He is a Rottie/Lab/Shepard mix and while a bit anxious around strangers, he’s great with kids and likes to play catch and tug-o-war.
His favorite toy is a stuffed pink monkey and his favorite food is anything that’s not fruit.
He doesn’t chase squirrels with the same veracity he once had but still loves to be outside and walking through the neighborhood.
He loves to stop and smell the flowers-literally! 🌻
Apollo recently learned he likes traveling by car. He traveled to Maine and back this summer.
In Maine he really enjoyed boat rides but did not like to get wet.
Apollo loves going to work with Dad when he can. Dad has taught Apollo about 25 sign language commands.
Apollo enjoys walking 3 times a day everyday rain or shine.
If you see Apollo out and about, be sure to say Hi! 👋🏼
Apollo passed away peacefully in June of 2023-RIP