Neighborhood Association

- May 2023 -

George and Edison
Hi everyone!
My name is Edison. I am the beautiful (at least that’s what people say) English cream golden retriever in the photo. I was born in Seattle, WA six years ago, but have lived in three other states now including Oregon, Michigan, and now Colorado. My family and I moved to the Bellevue-Hale neighborhood almost two years ago, and I’ve spent those two years loving the Denver sunshine, snow, and awesome hiking.
Besides my hoo-mans, my favorite things are ball and food. I love going to the p-a-r-k (my humans don’t know, but I can spell) and playing with b-a-l-l. I’m still searching for a good swimming hole cuz I love the water….even if it’s muddy or stinky…I’m not picky. True to my kind, I’m really, really good at retrieving, but I don’t like dropping it because the humans just take it and throw it away again. It’s much more fun to chomp on the ball and show it off to everyone.
The other dog in the photo is my little brother, George Fitzgerald. People just call him George or Georgertons (never “Georgie”). My hoo-mans think he’s a Catahoula Leopard dog mix, which was disappointing to them at first because the Humane Society in Michigan thought he was a Great Dane mix puppy and one of my hoo-mans had always dreamed of having a Great Dane. Oh well – We love him lots now.
George was born deaf and partially blind and can get anxious or easily scared especially in unfamiliar settings and when meeting new people and dogs. Once comfortable, he loves to play, run, and be chased (he can outrun a Viszla!). He is very affectionate…too much sometimes because he always needs to touch and lean on someone when he rests.
He can be super annoying. He sometimes steals my ball, butts in when I’m getting pets and attention, or lies on top of me, crowding me in the dog bed. He annoys our hoo-mans, too, barking and bossing everyone around if they don’t follow the routine, playing keep away with socks and shoes, and always squishing up against them in bed. My hoo-mans use the word “difficult” and “frustrating” a lot around him.
Unlike me, he is NOT always a good dog. He likes to counter surf – he once ate TWO sticks of butter off the back counter and even had to go to the Dog-tor after stealing some dark chocolate cupcakes. He really likes cake but never shares. He also never lets the rest of us sleep in, barking at us from the doorway, threatening to chew on the frame or baseboard to make the hoo-mans get out of bed. He just turned three years old, so we are all hoping he will calm down soon and be less annoying.
So that’s us! The dynamic duo of Edison and George! You’re likely to find us out on our many walks around the neighborhood or at Lindsley Park. Most of the time we are happy to say hi, but my hoo-mans prefer that you always ask first. Once we get to know you, we’ll always be thrilled to see you, butt wags and all! ~ Edison